Winter hours - 10am-7pm Monday, 10am-6pm Tuesday through Friday, 9am-6pm Saturday

The Normal Brand

In 2015, Jimmy Sansone, a 26 year old investment banker, stared at a rack of clothes in a department store and thought ‘Where can I find a Normal shirt?’ Disappointed in what was available, he designed his first shirt and wore it everywhere. Quickly realizing other guys wanted these Normal shirts, he was joined by brothers Conrad and Lan and they went to work in their parents’ basement with the help from the fam (12 strong).

Normal for us is something in between high end designer goods and activewear built for a big game hunt. It's something you can and actually want to wear everyday.

Over the past two years, we’ve found there were thousands of guys like us – guys who want a better Normal. So we’ve dedicated ourselves to crafting casual wear and accessories with understated - but significant - style for everyday guys like us.
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